Burton upon Trent postal code

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Postal Code:

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Burton upon Trent information

Postcode district: DE13, DE14, DE15
Post town: Derby
Dialling code: 01283
Population: 7466
Elevation: 47m (154ft)
County: Staffordshire
Country: England

Postcode areas of Burton upon Trent are DE13, DE14, DE15.

Post town of postcode area 'DE' is Derby. Dialling code of Burton upon Trent is 01283. Burton upon Trent has 47m (154ft) altitude.

The coordinates of Burton upon Trent are: 52.8140281 lat, -1.6371359 lng.

Burton upon Trent belongs to Staffordshire County. Burton upon Trent belongs to England. England is constituent country of United Kingdom.

The United Kingdom (UK) comprises four countries: England, Scotland and Wales (which collectively make up Great Britain) and Northern Ireland.

UK postcodes consist of two alphanumeric groups, separated by a space; for example “SO15 2GB”.

The first group is called the outward code: it describes a small town, a district of a large town, or a rural area, such that the outward code is sufficient (with a few exceptions) to determine the sorting office that will deliver the mail.

The second group is called the inward code: it represents a small group of addresses - from 70 houses down to a single business - that would always form part of the same delivery round.

Typically the inward code covers one side of a short street, or a natural section of a longer one.

*sources: wikipedia.org