Margate postal code
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Postal Code:
Margate information
Postcode district: CT9
Post town: Canterbury
Dialling code: 01843
Population: 64286
Elevation: 17m (56ft)
County: Kent
Country: England
Postcode area of Margate is CT9.
Post town of postcode area 'CT' is Canterbury. Dialling code of Margate is 01843. Margate has 17m (56ft) altitude.
The coordinates of Margate are: 51.3896460 lat, 1.3868339 lng.
Margate belongs to Kent County. Margate belongs to England. England is constituent country of United Kingdom.
The United Kingdom (UK) comprises four countries: England, Scotland and Wales (which collectively make up Great Britain) and Northern Ireland.

Every UK postcode format consists of two halves, an "Outward" and an "Inward".
These two halves allow anyone at the sorting office to quickly route any item going through any sorting office. First off the Outward and Inward halves of any postcode format are separated by a space.
The Outward half of a Postcode consists of one or two alpha characters (Postcode Areas) followed by one of two numeric characters (Postcode Districts).
Example: SO15 2GB
The Inward half of the postcode format (easily identified as appearing after the space in any postcode) consists of just one numeric followed by two alpha characters.
Example: SO15 2GB