Weston-super-Mare postal code
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Postal Code:
Weston-super-Mare information
Postcode district: BS22, BS23, BS24
Post town: Bristol
Dialling code: 01934
Population: 86788
Elevation: 9m (30ft)
County: Somerset
Country: England
Postcode areas of Weston-super-Mare are BS22, BS23, BS24.
Post town of postcode area 'BS' is Bristol. Dialling code of Weston-super-Mare is 01934. Weston-super-Mare has 9m (30ft) altitude.
The coordinates of Weston-super-Mare are: 51.3474050 lat, -2.9772550 lng.
Weston-super-Mare belongs to Somerset County. Weston-super-Mare belongs to England. England is constituent country of United Kingdom.
The United Kingdom (UK) comprises four countries: England, Scotland and Wales (which collectively make up Great Britain) and Northern Ireland.
UK postcodes consist of two alphanumeric groups, separated by a space; for example “SO15 2GB”.
The first group is called the outward code: it describes a small town, a district of a large town, or a rural area, such that the outward code is sufficient (with a few exceptions) to determine the sorting office that will deliver the mail.
The second group is called the inward code: it represents a small group of addresses - from 70 houses down to a single business - that would always form part of the same delivery round.
Typically the inward code covers one side of a short street, or a natural section of a longer one.